Tuesday, February 3, 2015

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Book Title : Practical English Usage
Edition : 2nd
Author(s) : Michael Swan
Page : 684 Pages
Year Published : 1996
Publisher : Oxford University Press.
ISBN : 0-19-442146-5
File Size : 1.99 MB

Book Description:
The purpose of this book English, like all languages, is full of problems for the foreign learner. Some of these points are easy to explain - for instance, the formation of questions, the difference between since and for, the meaning of after all. Other problems are more tricky, and cause difficulty even for advanced students and teachers. How exactly is the present perfect tense used? When do we use past tenses to be polite? What are the differences between at, on and in with expressions of place? We can say a chair leg-why not *a girl leg? What are the real rules for the use of like and as? When can we use the expression do so? When is the used with superlatives? Is unless the same as if not? What are the differences between come and go, between each and every, between big, large and great, between fairly, quite, rather and pretty? Is it correct to say There's three more bottles in the fridge? How do you actually say 3 x 4 = 12? And so on, and so on.
This book is a practical reference guide to questions of this kind. It deals with over 600 points which regularly cause problems for foreign students of English. Most of the points treated are grammatical, but there are also explanations of a certain number of common vocabulary problems.

Table of Contents:
Acknowledgements Page: ix.
Introduction Page: xi.
List of entries Page: xiii.
Language terminology Page: xxi.
Phonetic alphabet
Practical English Usage Page: 1.
Index Page: 631.

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